Sunday, December 1, 2013

Bivariate Map

The purpose of this project was to map two variables on a single map.  In my project, I added a variable to my proportional symbol map using choropleth techniques to represent the total population in poverty.  This map compares the percent of each county population in poverty to the total general population of each county.  This comparison is important because it displays the poverty density of each county in Wisconsin.  Without the general population data, Menominee County would appear to have the greatest number of people in poverty, when in reality it is Milwaukee County.  Trends on this map show that there are larger numbers of people in poverty in the urban southeast edge of Wisconsin, but higher percent population in poverty in the lower populated, rural counties in the north. 

One struggle that I faced when creating this map was positioning the legends, map, and title so that one side of the map would be balanced with the other.

Colors were selected using Colorbrewer, and data was taken from the U.S census Bureau.

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