Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hometown map

The Purpose of this project was to use ArcMap to obtain an aerial image of my hometown, arrange the image in ArcMap’s Layout View, and export the image as an Adobe Illustrator. This file was then used as the base map for the hometown reference map. Illustrator functions such as the pen, shape, and text tools were used to trace the aerial image.

Requirements for this map:
- Include an appropriate number of streets. Some degree of cartographic generalization will be necessary on your part, however.
- Include labels for all streets you include.
- Include all water bodies, parks, schools, commercial areas, and industrial areas (if applicable).
- Include a title and your name.

One struggle that I had with this project was the scale of the map, and the amount of generalization to use.  I had to choose which objects on the map were most important because tracing every object would have been very time consuming, and could have resulted in an illegible map.  Some colors were chosen based on a colors association with a certain object such as green for parks or red for hospital.  This makes objects easy to distinguish even without a legend.   Objects chosen to be mapped were selected based off personal opinion of importance after living in the area the majority of my life.  Individual names of stores in the shopping and business zones were left out to conserve legibility.

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